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Why should you try DBA?

DBA will help you grow at your own pace

Whether you are new to public speaking or are a more experienced speaker who wants to try new things, DBA will help you to develop or fine tune your verbal communication, listening, leadership, and evaluation skills.


DBA is a safe place

DBA members are enthusiastic and supportive, which will help you to build confidence and combat any public-speaking fears that you may have.


DBA has a diverse membership

With different backgrounds comes different perspectives as well as more opportunities to learn from each other.


DBA is fun

Many of our members have been with DBA for a long time because of how much fun DBA meetings can be.  DBA has also had visitors from all around the world who have enjoyed DBA meetings.


Practice makes perfect

While many other clubs meet once or twice a month, DBA meets weekly; this gives our members more opportunities to practice public speaking.

Just ask our members...
John Holman
john holman.jpeg

John says...

I love DBA Toastmasters! We have a fantastic club full of interesting and diverse members and offer lots of opportunities to speak and grow. I've visited many other great clubs but DBA is the best club in the world, period!! 

Jamie Madriaga

DBA is a weekly highlight.  I learn so much from others, and the practice has helped me become more comfortable with public speaking.  But most of all, I love how enthusiastic and supportive DBA's members are; they make public speaking fun, offer differing perspectives, and provide invaluable feedback on how to improve.

Jamie says...

You’ll meet friendly and supportive individuals, many of whom you’ll still be friends with years from now!

Leslie says...

Leslie Kurasaki
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