How to Join DBA Toastmasters
Fill out the application form, and email it to DBA's VP of Membership and DBA's Treasurer.
DBA's Treasurer will email you an electronic invoice for your (1) membership fees to Toastmasters International, and (2) DBA Toastmasters club dues of $5.
Toastmasters International fees include a new-member fee of $20.00 + prorated fees that depend on the month that you apply for membership.
October or April — $45.00
November or May — $37.50
December or June — $30.00
January or July — $22.50
February or August — $15.00
March or September — $7.50
Ex. If you become a new member in June, you would pay $55 ($20 new member fee + $30 prorated Toastmasters International fees + $5 DBA club dues.
DBA accepts online payments through paypal, which charges an additional processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30.
*Members pay fees of $50 twice a year for each of the membership periods (October to March and April to September).
I'm a New Member - Now What?
If you are not sure how to get started, we provide a number of recommendations below. If you have any questions or need help, DBA's officers are here to help. Please do not hesitate to reach out!
Explore the Toastmasters International Website
Log in to to the Toastmasters International website to ensure that your username and password are correct.
Enroll in Pathways—the Toastmasters education program.
Review The Navigator—your guide to Toastmasters.
If you have questions about Pathways or need help with the website, contact our VP of Education.
Prepare for Your Meeting Role
- The District 49 website offers sample scripts for the various meeting roles.
The Toastmasters International website provides an explanation of the different roles on its website and in this handout.
Write Your Icebreaker Speech and Get a Mentor
When you are scheduled to give your first speech, complete the ice breaker, the foundational project in Pathways.
Give the evaluation form to your evaluator in advance.
Remember to update your project status in Pathways to keep track of your progress, ensure you receive your certificates, and to help DBA obtain the President’s Distinguished Club award.
If you are interested in obtaining a mentor to help you with your projects, contact our VP of Education.